Provided with ActiveGige Video Capture Source Filter is FilterConfig console utility located in the Driver subfolder of ActiveGigE folder (typically C:/Program Files/ActiveGigE/Driver). Depending on the platform on your DirectShow application, you should use either FilterConfig.exe or FilterConfig64.exe. The utility allows you to register several DirectShow devices when multiple GigE Vision cameras are used.
By default ActiveGigE registers a single DirectShow device called "GigE Vision compliant camera", in which case the selection of a specific camera is available via the Source property page or through the IActiveGige interface. You can run several instances of this device in your system or in your application provided each instance is configured for a different camera. If you execute several copies of a DirectShow-based video capture application such as Microsoft's Amcap, each of them will attempt to automatically configure itself for a different camera and memorize corresponding camera settings in the system registry upon exiting. The same automatic configuration routine will apply to multiple instances of the "GigE Vision compliant camera" device running in one application.
In certain cases however you may want to have each camera associated with a separate DirectShow device in the system. This may be necessary when a third-party DirectShow application has to be used with several GigE Vision cameras. To register several GigE Vision devices in the system, run the FilterConfig executable with a numerical argument indicating the amount of GigE Vision cameras in the system. For example, the following command will register three DirectShow devices "GigE Vision Device 1", "GigE Vision Device 2", "GigE Vision Device 3":
C:\Program Files\ActiveGigE\Driver> FilterConfig.exe 3
You can change the number of GigE Vision DirectShow devices listed in the system by calling FilterConfig with a different parameter. To reset the filter to a default single "GigE Vision compliant camera" device, run FilterConfig with the zero argument:
C:\Program Files\ActiveGigE\Driver> FilterConfig.exe 0
Note: Before using FilterConfig to register multiple devices, you must enumerate your cameras by opening several instances of Microsoft's AmCap application. Each instance will automatically connect to the next available camera and will memorize its device index upon exiting. Alternatively the GcamCap application (located in the ActiveGigE/Bin folder) can be used for the same purpose.